Yabac Mac OS

broken image

  • If the USB has an Installable copy of Mac OS on it it will install. If the USB has a bootable copy installed on it it will just boot the computer and the computer will treat the USB stick as a Hard drive. If you stick your USB onto your computer with the blank HD (macOS format) does it just boot to the desktop or does it boot to an installer?
  • Operating Systems Macintosh, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel, Mac OS X 10.6 Intel Additional Requirements This application requires Mac OS X 10.6.x, and will not run under 10.5.
  • 'Find My Font' is an easy to use application for identifying fonts in digital images.

Yamaha USB Audio Driver V1.1.0-2 for Mac OS X 10.5 Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Intel Mac),Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (PPC Mac),Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard,Mac OS X 10.7 Lion,Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion model: AUDIOGRAM 3, AUDIOGRAM 6, MW12C, MW12CX, MW10C, MW8CX, MW12, MW10.

YAAC is a (mostly) platform-independent Java application written by AndrewPavlin, KA2DDO, for monitoring and contributing to the Automatic Packet ReportingSystem (APRS) network (invented and trademarked by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR).

YAAC is Free Software; it is an Open-Source program, licensed under theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense, and complete source code is provided. Feel free to createimprovements and extensions to YAAC.

YAAC can be used as a stand-alone APRS client, an APRS RF-Internet gateway(I-Gate), or as a AX.25 digipeater. It supports 16 different data reporting viewsas delivered, and can be extended with user-written 'plugins' to add morefunctionality. YAAC's map rendering does not depend on Internet connectivity,so it can be used wherever a portable computer and radio/TNC can be located.

Here is where YAAC can be downloaded. If you would like to share informationor questions about your use of YAAC, please joinour mailinglist first. Existing list members can post to the list bye-mailing to yaac-users@groups.io.

If you have downloaded YAAC build #162, I apologize for the problem. YAACbuild#163 has been posted as of 20:01 (America/New_York timezone) onDecember 29th to correct the problem, but you'll have to manuallyapply it if you've already upgraded to the broken build#162.

Bug reports can be e-mailed to the above mailing list, or submitted to the bug tracker onSourceForge (note you will have to have a free SourceForge account in order to submit tickets,click here to get one if you don't already have one). Dungeon colony mac os.

For more information about YAAC, you can read the author's presentationfrom the 2012 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communication Conference, orwatch it on HamRadioNow.

If you don't know what APRS is, visit Bob BruningaWB4APR's authoritative website or look at this PowerPoint presentationI made on the subject.

Installing YAAC

Please read the following directions before downloading and installing YAACfor the first time. Doing so will make your life much easier.

Installation Pre-requisites

The current operating systems supported by YAAC are:

  • Microsoft Windows, from Windows XP all the way to Windows 10,
  • Linux; the distribution has been tested on Fedora Core, Ubuntu, and Debian, and should work on any other Linux distro based on the 2.6 (or later) kernel on x86 hardware (32-bit and 64-bit versions).
  • Raspbian (the ARM version of Debian Linux for theRaspberry Pi single-board computer).
  • Mac OS X (x86 versions only).
  • FreeBSD (tested on 9.0).

YAAC may also theoretically work on Solaris with SPARC processors,but has not been tested on that Sun/Oracle platform and does not include Solarisbuilds of JSSC. YAAC will not workon embedded systems using a headless (non-GUI-support) version of the Javaruntime; although YAAC does have a non-GUI execution mode, it requires the Java Abstract Widget Toolkit (AWT) and Swing graphicssupport to operate (at least to configure YAAC for the desired non-GUI mode suchas digipeating or I-gating). Similarly, due to the lack of AWT support, YAAC will notwork on Android either (a work in progress..).

Because YAAC is written in the Java language, you will need tohave installed a suitable version (at least Java 7) of the Java RuntimeEnvironment installed on your system (either just the JRE or the fullJava Development Kit [JDK] which includes a copy of the JRE). Either thestandardSun/Oracle distribution, OpenJDK, or a vendor-specificdistribution for your platform should work, as long as it is up tothe appropriate release of the Java standards. You can test whether you have anappropriate version of Java installed bygetting a command shell on your system and issuing the command


How Do I Remove Yarascan From Osx

If you do not have a sufficiently recent version of Java installed, use yourvendor-provided software installer (for Linux), ordownload one of the above Java distributions for your operating system andinstall or upgrade Java using the directions on the download site. Do notinstall only what some Linux distributions call openjdk-jre-headless; this isinsufficient to run YAAC, as it does not include the AWT part of the Java runtime.

Installing YAAC Itself

A zip file contains the current binarydistribution. Note this file is over 19MB in size,and will unpack to a slightly larger amount of space, so ensure you have at least 50MB of free disk space (to account for the zip file, the unpacking, and theother data files that YAAC will create once started). To install the contentsof the zip file, unzip this file in adirectory on your system (we recommend naming the directory 'YAAC'),maintaining the internal subdirectory structure of the zip file. Thisis all that is needed to install the executable distribution. For those who want to validate the distribution zip file, a SHA256 signature of thedistribution is included here.Note that the graphical desktops of current releases of Windows and Linuxinclude ZIP support; if command-line tools are needed, they can be downloadedfrom Info-Zip. Thefile YAAC.jar in the directory is the main program; the libsubdirectory contains libraries (both Java and native code) needed tosupport YAAC. The change notes for the current binaryare available here. Those interested intinkering with the source code under the Open Source GNU Lesser GeneralPublic License can download it here orfrom the SourceForge project page.

Raspberry Pi Detailed Installation Directions

For those using the Raspberry Pi who are new to Linux and the Pi, here aresome simplified directions. Text in this font are literal text tobe typed into the Pi.

MacOS - Official Apple Support

  1. Download the YAAC.zip file to your Pi. (The following stepsassume you are using the Raspbian default browser, so the file will be placed in the /home/pi/Downloads directory.)
  2. Open a terminal (lxterm) window.
  3. sudo bash to become superuser.
  4. apt-get install openjdk-8-jre unzip to install theother software modules that YAAC needs as prerequisites.
  5. exit from the superuser shell.
  6. mkdir YAAC
  7. cd YAAC
  8. unzip ./Downloads/YAAC.zip

At this point, YAAC is installed and ready to run. Use the command

java -jar YAAC.jar

to invoke YAAC and start the configuration wizard.

Compatible Hardware for YAAC

YAAC has been tested with the following hardware, but should work withother compatible hardware:

  • standard Windows PC hardware (desktop and laptop), with USB-to-RS232C serial converters.
  • standard iMac hardware
  • Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Wheezy or Jessie distros (hardware models B, 2B, and 3)
  • TNC's:
    • MFJ-1278 (TNC2-compatible)
    • Kenwood TM-D700, TM-D710, and TH-D72A (in both APRS and PACKET modes)
    • Argent Data Systems' OpenTracker USB
    • Byonics TinyTrak 4
    • AGW Packet Engine (only have tested the free version)
  • GPS receivers:
    • GPS receiver built into the Kenwood TH-D72A
    • DeLorme TripMate
    • Byonics GPS2 and GPS5 (SiRF-III chipset)
    • Garmin GPS II Plus
    • any GPS receiver compatible with the Unix/Linux gpsd daemon
  • Weather stations:
    • Peet Bros. Ultimeter 500 and 2000
    • weather stations using the WXNOW.TXT file interface

Equivalent hardware should also work. If you are testing YAAC on adifferent platform, please letus know what it is, so we can add it to the supported list.

Running YAAC

Once you have Java and YAAC installed, starting YAAC is easy. All you should have to do is double-clickon the YAAC.jar file (for environments where the Java Runtime isintegrated into the file manager). If this does not work in yourenvironment, obtain a command shell on your system, cdto the directory where you unpacked the YAAC.zip file's contents, andissue the command

java-jar YAAC.jar

Either way, this should bring up the YAAC user interface screen.

If it doesn't, please letus know, reporting any error messages displayed when youattempted to start it.

Configuring YAAC

YAAC doesn't do much without a connection to some source of APRSdata. The details are in YAAC's built-in online help, but basicallyyou need to open the File->Configure dialog (we recommend usingthe configuration wizard for a new installation or if you are new toYAAC), and update the appropriate options to use your callsign andappropriate interfacing equipment to the APRS network (either overthe Internet through the Tier 2APRS-IS servers, or through actual radio equipment via a TNC).Hardware TNCs (whether separate boxes or built-in to modern radiotransceivers like the Kenwood TM-D710) will always be connectedthrough a serial port, so your computer will need one for each TNC(RS232 or USB, as appropriate for your TNC hardware). The sameapplies for GPS receivers.

If you want to use YAAC as an I-Gate (APRS Internet gateway) orotherwise as a transmitter to the APRS-IS backbone on the Internet,e-mailYAAC's author to get an APRS-IS passcode, telling us your amateurradio callsign; without using a valid passcode that matches your callsign, youwill not be able to send any messages to APRS-IS. Note this is a restriction ofthe APRS-IS network, not of YAAC. YAAC also supports the experimentalauthentication connection to the APRS-IS using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) andyour ARRL Logbook of the World log-signing certificate, however the SSL supportin the servers is still under development and is not available on all Tier 2 APRS-IS servers.

See Full List On Github.com

Displaying Maps in YAAC

YAAC supports map data produced by the OpenStreetMapproject, and has an efficient downloader built into YAAC for pre-processedmap data served by the YAAC author. If you would rather convert the OSM data toYAAC format yourself, you candownload a bzipped or protocol-buffer OSM file for your geographical areafrom planet.openstreetmap.orgor a suitable mirror site(you can download the entire planet file if you like, but it willtake a long time). Then follow the directions in YAAC's online helpto import the OpenStreetMap data into YAAC's internal map dataformat.

YAAC also supports world-wide terrain (elevation) data made available to the publicdomain by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey, through an automatic downloader built into YAAC, and can display North Americanweather radar overlays from the U.S. National Weather Service.

Getting Help and Reporting Bugs in YAAC

YAAC has extensive built-in help; just click onthe Help menu and select Contents to get thehelp table of contents displayed. An index of helpand a list of frequently asked questions (and answers) isalso available. Some parts of YAAC also have single-button help; pressing theF1 key on the keyboard or clicking a Help button in a dialog will bring up help if the current window being looked at has a help connection.Help is self-contained within the YAAC distribution, so it can be used when YAAC is disconnectedfrom the Internet.

If you have a problem with YAAC, and you can't figure out what to do after reading the help,there are two options:

  1. e-mail the yaac-users mailing list (assuming you have become a member of the list) and ask for help.
  2. file a bug report on YAAC's bug-tracking system on SourceForge.

SourceForge will require that you establish a (free) account associated withyour e-mail address, so the author can contact you for more information regarding your problem.

The author also accepts requests for new features through these means.


Installation Pre-requisites

The current operating systems supported by YAAC are:

  • Microsoft Windows, from Windows XP all the way to Windows 10,
  • Linux; the distribution has been tested on Fedora Core, Ubuntu, and Debian, and should work on any other Linux distro based on the 2.6 (or later) kernel on x86 hardware (32-bit and 64-bit versions).
  • Raspbian (the ARM version of Debian Linux for theRaspberry Pi single-board computer).
  • Mac OS X (x86 versions only).
  • FreeBSD (tested on 9.0).

YAAC may also theoretically work on Solaris with SPARC processors,but has not been tested on that Sun/Oracle platform and does not include Solarisbuilds of JSSC. YAAC will not workon embedded systems using a headless (non-GUI-support) version of the Javaruntime; although YAAC does have a non-GUI execution mode, it requires the Java Abstract Widget Toolkit (AWT) and Swing graphicssupport to operate (at least to configure YAAC for the desired non-GUI mode suchas digipeating or I-gating). Similarly, due to the lack of AWT support, YAAC will notwork on Android either (a work in progress..).

Because YAAC is written in the Java language, you will need tohave installed a suitable version (at least Java 7) of the Java RuntimeEnvironment installed on your system (either just the JRE or the fullJava Development Kit [JDK] which includes a copy of the JRE). Either thestandardSun/Oracle distribution, OpenJDK, or a vendor-specificdistribution for your platform should work, as long as it is up tothe appropriate release of the Java standards. You can test whether you have anappropriate version of Java installed bygetting a command shell on your system and issuing the command


How Do I Remove Yarascan From Osx

If you do not have a sufficiently recent version of Java installed, use yourvendor-provided software installer (for Linux), ordownload one of the above Java distributions for your operating system andinstall or upgrade Java using the directions on the download site. Do notinstall only what some Linux distributions call openjdk-jre-headless; this isinsufficient to run YAAC, as it does not include the AWT part of the Java runtime.

Installing YAAC Itself

A zip file contains the current binarydistribution. Note this file is over 19MB in size,and will unpack to a slightly larger amount of space, so ensure you have at least 50MB of free disk space (to account for the zip file, the unpacking, and theother data files that YAAC will create once started). To install the contentsof the zip file, unzip this file in adirectory on your system (we recommend naming the directory 'YAAC'),maintaining the internal subdirectory structure of the zip file. Thisis all that is needed to install the executable distribution. For those who want to validate the distribution zip file, a SHA256 signature of thedistribution is included here.Note that the graphical desktops of current releases of Windows and Linuxinclude ZIP support; if command-line tools are needed, they can be downloadedfrom Info-Zip. Thefile YAAC.jar in the directory is the main program; the libsubdirectory contains libraries (both Java and native code) needed tosupport YAAC. The change notes for the current binaryare available here. Those interested intinkering with the source code under the Open Source GNU Lesser GeneralPublic License can download it here orfrom the SourceForge project page.

Raspberry Pi Detailed Installation Directions

For those using the Raspberry Pi who are new to Linux and the Pi, here aresome simplified directions. Text in this font are literal text tobe typed into the Pi.

MacOS - Official Apple Support

  1. Download the YAAC.zip file to your Pi. (The following stepsassume you are using the Raspbian default browser, so the file will be placed in the /home/pi/Downloads directory.)
  2. Open a terminal (lxterm) window.
  3. sudo bash to become superuser.
  4. apt-get install openjdk-8-jre unzip to install theother software modules that YAAC needs as prerequisites.
  5. exit from the superuser shell.
  6. mkdir YAAC
  7. cd YAAC
  8. unzip ./Downloads/YAAC.zip

At this point, YAAC is installed and ready to run. Use the command

java -jar YAAC.jar

to invoke YAAC and start the configuration wizard.

Compatible Hardware for YAAC

YAAC has been tested with the following hardware, but should work withother compatible hardware:

  • standard Windows PC hardware (desktop and laptop), with USB-to-RS232C serial converters.
  • standard iMac hardware
  • Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Wheezy or Jessie distros (hardware models B, 2B, and 3)
  • TNC's:
    • MFJ-1278 (TNC2-compatible)
    • Kenwood TM-D700, TM-D710, and TH-D72A (in both APRS and PACKET modes)
    • Argent Data Systems' OpenTracker USB
    • Byonics TinyTrak 4
    • AGW Packet Engine (only have tested the free version)
  • GPS receivers:
    • GPS receiver built into the Kenwood TH-D72A
    • DeLorme TripMate
    • Byonics GPS2 and GPS5 (SiRF-III chipset)
    • Garmin GPS II Plus
    • any GPS receiver compatible with the Unix/Linux gpsd daemon
  • Weather stations:
    • Peet Bros. Ultimeter 500 and 2000
    • weather stations using the WXNOW.TXT file interface

Equivalent hardware should also work. If you are testing YAAC on adifferent platform, please letus know what it is, so we can add it to the supported list.

Running YAAC

Once you have Java and YAAC installed, starting YAAC is easy. All you should have to do is double-clickon the YAAC.jar file (for environments where the Java Runtime isintegrated into the file manager). If this does not work in yourenvironment, obtain a command shell on your system, cdto the directory where you unpacked the YAAC.zip file's contents, andissue the command

java-jar YAAC.jar

Either way, this should bring up the YAAC user interface screen.

If it doesn't, please letus know, reporting any error messages displayed when youattempted to start it.

Configuring YAAC

YAAC doesn't do much without a connection to some source of APRSdata. The details are in YAAC's built-in online help, but basicallyyou need to open the File->Configure dialog (we recommend usingthe configuration wizard for a new installation or if you are new toYAAC), and update the appropriate options to use your callsign andappropriate interfacing equipment to the APRS network (either overthe Internet through the Tier 2APRS-IS servers, or through actual radio equipment via a TNC).Hardware TNCs (whether separate boxes or built-in to modern radiotransceivers like the Kenwood TM-D710) will always be connectedthrough a serial port, so your computer will need one for each TNC(RS232 or USB, as appropriate for your TNC hardware). The sameapplies for GPS receivers.

If you want to use YAAC as an I-Gate (APRS Internet gateway) orotherwise as a transmitter to the APRS-IS backbone on the Internet,e-mailYAAC's author to get an APRS-IS passcode, telling us your amateurradio callsign; without using a valid passcode that matches your callsign, youwill not be able to send any messages to APRS-IS. Note this is a restriction ofthe APRS-IS network, not of YAAC. YAAC also supports the experimentalauthentication connection to the APRS-IS using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) andyour ARRL Logbook of the World log-signing certificate, however the SSL supportin the servers is still under development and is not available on all Tier 2 APRS-IS servers.

See Full List On Github.com

Displaying Maps in YAAC

YAAC supports map data produced by the OpenStreetMapproject, and has an efficient downloader built into YAAC for pre-processedmap data served by the YAAC author. If you would rather convert the OSM data toYAAC format yourself, you candownload a bzipped or protocol-buffer OSM file for your geographical areafrom planet.openstreetmap.orgor a suitable mirror site(you can download the entire planet file if you like, but it willtake a long time). Then follow the directions in YAAC's online helpto import the OpenStreetMap data into YAAC's internal map dataformat.

YAAC also supports world-wide terrain (elevation) data made available to the publicdomain by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey, through an automatic downloader built into YAAC, and can display North Americanweather radar overlays from the U.S. National Weather Service.

Getting Help and Reporting Bugs in YAAC

YAAC has extensive built-in help; just click onthe Help menu and select Contents to get thehelp table of contents displayed. An index of helpand a list of frequently asked questions (and answers) isalso available. Some parts of YAAC also have single-button help; pressing theF1 key on the keyboard or clicking a Help button in a dialog will bring up help if the current window being looked at has a help connection.Help is self-contained within the YAAC distribution, so it can be used when YAAC is disconnectedfrom the Internet.

If you have a problem with YAAC, and you can't figure out what to do after reading the help,there are two options:

  1. e-mail the yaac-users mailing list (assuming you have become a member of the list) and ask for help.
  2. file a bug report on YAAC's bug-tracking system on SourceForge.

SourceForge will require that you establish a (free) account associated withyour e-mail address, so the author can contact you for more information regarding your problem.

The author also accepts requests for new features through these means.

Optional Plugins for YAAC

YAAC can be extended by writing plugins, that automatically extend the basefunctionality of YAAC in whatever way is desired by the plugin author. Besidesthe sample plugin (whose sole purpose is to demonstrate how to write a simpleplugin), other plugins made available by YAAC's author include:

adsbplugin.jarADS-B air traffic monitoring using Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware and the rtl_adsb or dump1090 programs
aisdecoder.jarAIS decoder for use with DireWolf 1.6+
aprsisserver.jarproxy fake APRS-IS server to allow YAAC to share data from radio/TNC ports with other APRS clients
arednobjects.jarclient to query AREDN mesh network information and convert to APRS Objects
bluetoothport.zipport driverfor Bluetooth TNCs and GPSs
callsigndb.jarcallsign lookups with local caching of some national license databases and use of the QRZ.COM Internet database
demo.zipdemonstration of YAAC running a PowerPoint slideshow on one side of the window and cycling through a selected set of YAAC displays on the other, fully automatically
madispost.jarextract real-time weather data into rotating CSV files in the MADIS export format
repeaterfinderplugin.jarrepeater station locator and chooser
smallscreen.jaralternate YAAC UI for low-resolution and/or touch screens (such as the 7-inch 720x480 pixel touchscreen for the Raspberry Pi)
soundsplugin.jarconfigurable sound effects (including speech using the Festivalor espeak text-to-speech synthesizers) for variousevents that YAAC can detect occuring in the APRS network
telemetryalarmpluginconfigurable monitoring of telemetry
weatheralertplugin.jarplugin to detect and report severe weather events from incoming weather data

The pixel game mac os. Click on any plugin name to download it. The farm you grew up on mac os. Downloaded zip files will containthe JAR files that need to be copied into YAAC's plugins subdirectory in thedirectory where YAAC is installed; downloaded jar files can be copied directlyinto the plugins subdirectory without modification.

If you wish to author your own plugin for a custom feature not availablein standard YAAC, the documentation is here, as is theAPI documentation for having your plugin tie into YAAC's inner data flows.

Authentication over APRS

YAAC includes a preliminary implementation of an authentication protocol touse over APRS to send securely identified text messages to other parties; such textmessages could include telecommand directives to other APRS stations, suchthat the receiving station could validate that it is an authorized usersending the commands instead of someone spoofing someone else's callsign.The protocol specification document is available on the Amateur Radio Engineering Task Force (ARETF) website (concept copied from the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF), or may bedownloaded here. The IETF-compliantRFC XML format is also available.

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